DIRECCIÓNHerrerias 2-14 bajo | Logroño, La Rioja
TFNO+ 34 941 13 96 18 /+34 600 90 47 03
TFNO Emergencias a partir de las 22:00+ 34 690 39 10 30

Accessible room for 6

Accessible room for 6

Private wheelchair accessible room for 6 from
134,00 €

  • Ensuite bathroom / Walk-in shower
  • Bunk bed with a personal bedside light, curtains and an outlet
  • Security drawer / locker with key / proximity card
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Buffet breakfast
  • Linens
  • Large towel
check-in: 15:00 – 22:00
check-out: 7:00 – 11:30